Posts from June 2024

Posts from June 2024

D&N Class: Understanding Jewish History & Culture 535BCE – 200CE

Have you ever wondered about the following: How did the Romans come to rule Israel? I did not read about the Pharisees and Sadducees in the OT. How did they come about? Why did Jesus appear to have a hot and cold relationship with the Pharisees? I heard that Jews also believe in Oral Law. What is that? The sharing (over 4 sessions) aims to explore the worldview of Jews leading to Jesus and the apostles’ time. We will also…

Pledging for Financial Year 2024/25

Beloved Brothers and Sisters-in-Christ, As our Church approaches the close of the financial year ending 31 July 2024, we are grateful to God for His abundant grace and provisions for our Church throughout the past year. We thank God for your dedicated, faithful, and generous service and giving all these years for our Church. Your partnership has been instrumental in enabling us to resume all church events and activities, generously support Christian education initiatives (amongst others) locally and internationally, and…

Service Refreshments Update (June 2024)

We encourage members and friends to take time to fellowship over light snacks at Amstutz Hall after the 8am and 10.30am services, and before the 5pm service (at 4.30pm). We hope that through this, congregants will deepen their relationship with one another and live as a family of God. Do note that for 8am and 1030am services, beverages and food will only be served at the end of the service. This is to exercise respect for members and friends who…

Primary 1 Registration Exercise 2024 (Phase 2B)

For a child whose parent is a member endorsed by a Methodist Church. Online Registration: Parents must complete an online application form to register your child, using their SingPass, at MOE website. Registration Details: From: 9.00am on Monday, 22 July 2024 To: 4.30pm on Tuesday, 23 July 2024 Result: Monday, 29 July 2024 To obtain a Letter of Certification for members seeking to register their child(ren) in Methodist Schools, please email our Asst Admin Manager, Mrs Caroline Chew at