Since 1982, the Boys Brigade, 31st Singapore Company (sponsored by our church) continues to operate in Bowen Secondary School, with the purpose of reaching and ministering to those Boys whom God has entrusted to us.
We thank God for His faithfulness and provision which has sustained this ministry for the past years.
BBHQ has prepared a series of videos sharing the testimonials of Boys and Officers in the BB. Every week, BBHQ has uploaded a new video and sent out an e-bulletin which has a link to the video. This the final video for the BB Week and we encourage all our members for a final push this week before we end off our fundraising campaign. Additionally, we would like to invite churches to consider circulating the e-bulletin (as attached) to its’ members. You may find the uploaded videos on the various platforms: BB Website, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube! The e-bulletin will also be uploaded onto the Officers’ Portal > Resources > Companies > BB Week 2020.
To enable us to continue our work in minds, building values, nurturing leaders and giving hope to our Boys, we depend very much on continued financial support from church members and friends like you.
Therefore, due to recent COVID-19, our Boys will not be able to seek donations in Church, but we sincerely appeal for your most generous donations (Tax exemption form) . To help with processing of tax exemptions in a timely manner, we ask that all individuals complete the form within 7 days of donation. Please note that by filling up the form, donors are providing consent to The Boys’ Brigade in Singapore to the use of their personal data for this purpose.
The payment reference should indicate who asked the individual for the donation. It should be reflected as “BB Company Number <space> name of BB member”. E.g. 01J John Doe. For a full set of instructions for all donation types, please find attached infographic.
We thank you for investing in the future of our youth!