Marketplace Conference 2024 – God’s Calling: Being Salt and Light at Work

Marketplace Conference 2024 – God’s Calling: Being Salt and Light at Work

Wesley Methodist Church is organising a Marketplace Conference and welcomes participation from all sister churches.

Theme:                      God’s Calling: Being Salt and Light at Work
Date:                           Sat 17 Aug 2024
Time:                         10.00am – 4.00pm (Breakfast starts at 9am)
Venue:                       Wesley Methodist Church
Registration Fee: $20.00 (Inclusive of breakfast, lunch & a Marketplace Devotional Guide)
Register at (Closing date: 11 Aug 2024, or when all places are taken up)

Programme Outline

Opening Session – God’s Calling at Work
Our vocation, whether in the church or marketplace, regardless of their nature, can be sacred and meaningful when aligned with God’s purpose.
Speaker: Dr Stacey Tay, a Lay Pastor of Covenant Evangelical Free Church (CEFC) and an Associate Professor of Paediatrics and Senior Consultant in National University Health Systems.

Plenary Session – Being Light at Work
Being light at work involves participating in God’s redemptive plan. Everyone, regardless of our role or position, can be part of this transformative mission. Various Plenary Sessions to choose from, please refer to

Closing Session – Being Salt at Work
Being salt at work involves embodying Christian values and serving as a witness for Christ, especially in challenging situations.
Speaker: Dr Carl Thong, CEO of Sunstone Group and Priest Warden of All Saints English Church.

The session ends with a Panel discussion on Challenges at Work.