Upcoming Psalms Sermon Series – starting 1 Sep 2024

Upcoming Psalms Sermon Series – starting 1 Sep 2024

The Book of Psalms serves as a prayer book for God’s people, helping us live faithfully to God’s Word in a world full of trials and temptations. In other words, the 150 Psalms act as guardrails, keeping us on the path of obedience as we wait for the return of Jesus, the Messiah to make all things new. Through reading and praying the different types of psalms (e.g. Lament, Wisdom, Trust, Kingship, Thanksgiving, and Praise), we learn more about who God is and what He has done. We also learn how we can respond in honesty and faith to the bad things happening around us or to us, knowing that ultimately God will turn all lament into praise (Hallelujah).