WSCS Sunday is observed to honour God’s faithfulness and mighty works in the various ministries of the Women’s Society of Christian Service – Witness & Evangelism, Discipleship & Nurture, Outreach & Social Concerns and Missions. Blessed by His grace and love, the WSCS women seek to serve others by touching lives and reaching out to those around them.
To celebrate WSCS Sunday, TRAC WSCS has compiled a booklet of devotionals by the ladies from 14 churches. May you be blessed by the heartfelt reflections of our sisters. Please access this link: or via QR code.
- This year, the 2nd offering (15%) for AMKMC WSCS will benefit MWS Girls Residences while 85% will fund GC and TRAC WSCS designated beneficiaries. You can give via:
– Cheque payable to Ang Mo Kio Methodist Church (TRAC). Please indicate WSCS Sunday on the back of the cheque
– PayNow to church UEN No. S87CC0491GAMK. Please indicate WSCS Sunday as reference or scan the QR code here
– Cash at the church office. - We thank God for the further relaxation of COVID-19 Safe Management Measures that enable us to kick off the serving of beverages at Amstutz Hall for all our visitors and members. Riding on this, to celebrate Mother’s Day and WSCS Sunday, we have prepared a little gift for all ladies to pick up at the WSCS booth after all the 3 services on 8 May 2022.