Posts by AMKMC Media Team (Page 12)

Posts by AMKMC Media Team (Page 12)

AMKMC 44th Anniversary Celebration

44th Church Anniversary celebration We’ll be celebrating our 44th Church Anniversary on 2nd October 2022 with the theme “God Cares”. Building upon God’s call for us to be Kingdom people, the theme reminds us that God cares and we are to partner Him in caring for the community. This theme is inspired by reflections from the prayer walk held on 13 Mar 2022 during which God opened our eyes to see that He cares for the following groups of people…


God calls. God is calling us at AMKMC to return to AMK HUB as a strategic outreach point to the rest of the AMK town.  In the 3 months of prayer and seeking God’s presence and guidance, God has made it abundantly clear that Jesus (His Presence) must be at the centre of it all.  As John 12:32 declares, when Jesus is lifted up from the earth, He will draw all people to Himself. As we have learnt from our…

Women’s Society of Christian Service (WSCS) AGM 2022

To: All members of the Women’s Society of Christian Service of Ang Mo Kio Methodist Church NOTICE is hereby given that the 41st Annual General Meeting (“AGM”), Election Year of Ang Mo Kio Methodist Church (“AMKMC”) Women’s Society of Christian Service (“WSCS”) has been called to be held on 27 August 2022 (Saturday) at 9am, AMKMC level 5 Amstutz Hall, to transact the following business: 1. To receive the reports of the Executive Committee Officers 2. To adopt the Audited…

Trusting God In Difficult Times

By Cheryl Mah A person is described as having “the patience of Job” when exhibiting an immense and unyielding degree of patience and endurance in the face of overwhelming suffering and difficulties. This idiomatic expression originated from the Bible and is referred to in James 5:11 (KJV): “Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy.”…

2022 40.Day Prayer Guide by LoveSingapore

This year marks the 26th season of LoveSingapore’s 40.Day prayer from July 1 to August 9.  The theme for this year is: To Live is Christ — a prayer journey through the Book of Philippians. The prayer guide will be published online: English edition: Prayer entries will be available one day at a time starting from 0001HR on July 1. Meanwhile, please visit the website for a preview: PrayerLude Table of Content How to Use this Prayer Guide How to Fast

Worship Is A Two-Way Street

By Cheryl Mah Before the birth of my elder child and even while she was still very young, I dreaded going to church for onsite services. Between the lack of sleep (due to staying out till the wee hours of the morning pre-motherhood and then suffering disturbed sleep during early motherhood) and laziness, I disliked having my Sundays to be utilised for anything other than catching up on sleep. Back then, there were no pre-recorded or livestream services, so when…

Pledging for Financial Year 2022/23

Beloved Brothers and Sisters-in-Christ, As our Church approaches the close of the financial year ending 31 July 2022, we praise God for His grace over the past year and His provisions for our Church. We thank God and you for your dedicated, faithful and generous service and giving all these years for our Church. We prayerfully seek the Lord’s blessing and your continued support for our Church’s coming financial year (1 August 2022 to 31 July 2023). As we move…