Posts by AMKMC Media Team (Page 14)

Posts by AMKMC Media Team (Page 14)

Week 5: Growing In Christian Community

By Cheryl Mah Jesus commanded us to “Love your neighbour as yourself” (Matthew 22:39). As Scripture points out – we were created in God’s image to reflect our Maker, by caring for others. To truly love God and our neighbour, we should focus on fostering healthy relationships in all these arenas of life: 1.Be A Good Steward The word “steward” is rooted from the Ancient Greek word “oikonomos”, which translates into “household manager”. A Biblical steward is trusted to care…

Week 4: Walking With God In Obedience

By Cheryl Mah As Christians, we ought to be entirely subjected to God from the beginning. In every thought, word, or deed, we should seek to practise unreserved commitment and grow from strength to strength in complete obedience to God. 1.Knowing God’s Will We are by nature sinful and because of sin, our hearts drive us to wilfully sin again and again. Unless we decide to give up our own will and ways by abandoning ourselves fully to God, to…

Week 3: God’s Three Calls

By Cheryl Mah In our walk with Christ, we should focus our attention on several aspects – the Upward Call, the Inward Call as well as the Outward Call (read Rev Anthony Lee’s 2021 message here). Firstly, we must focus on God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit – and the need to continually give praise and honour that is due to them (upward call). Secondly, we need to take an inward look at ourselves by constantly growing and re-examining ourselves…

Week 2: The Measure Of A Person

By Cheryl Mah In medical terms, the heart is a muscular organ that transports blood to all parts of the human body through its circulatory system of various blood vessels. This provides the oxygen and nutrients needed to sustain life. A healthy heart is one that pumps the right amount of blood at the right rate so that the human body can function as God intended. Suffice to say, the human heart is probably one of the most important organs…

God’s Tapestry: AMKMC Virtual Choir

Testimony by Andrew Ng Last year, the Singapore government announced Circuit Breaker measures that would forever change how we worked, how we lived, and more importantly how church was run and perceived. It was also about a year ago that our online prerecorded services first started. I was honored then to be a small part of the team that puts together the weekly services. Little did we know, God had already planned for this way back in 2018, when AMKMC…

Week 1: A Personal Invitation To Christ

By Cheryl Mah ”Home” is an enjoyable, happy place where a person can live, laugh, and learn. It is somewhere where one feels loved, respected, and cared for. “Home” also provides security, control, belonging, identity, and privacy – among other things. Most of all, it is a place that provides us with a centring. Receiving others, or ‘hospitality’, is a Christian value (Matthew 25:35-40). The act of being hospitable is welcoming people into our lives, meeting their needs, and reaching out even…

Where God Leads, We Follow

Testimony By LYNNETTE LIM My husband Patrick and I have been visiting Ang Mo Kio Methodist Church (AMKMC) since 2013. After leaving our previous mega church, we went about trying out a few other churches. Never did I believe that God would lead us to a cosy family-like church. AMKMC was one of the churches that appeared when I was doing a Google search for churches near my home. AMKMC is a few bus steps away and so is AMK…

God Is My Healer

Testimony By Esmanda Wong In early February, I went for an ultrasound scan, which revealed that I had a cyst in my right ovary that was  4cm large in diameter. I was quite alarmed and distressed as it was a large growth in my body that I was unaware of. The doctor said to monitor the growth of the cyst in four months, before assessing whether a surgery would be needed to remove it. I also had to take a blood test…