Posts by AMKMC Media Team (Page 9)
Serving God is a Blessing
Testimony by Adelene Cheong Hi Everyone! I am Adelene, and I am currently serving as a keyboardist in the Worship & Music ministry (W&M) of Ang Mo Kio Methodist Church (AMKMC). I started serving in AMKMC at a very young age of 8, as an assistant pianist for the church choir, as both of my parents were in the choir then. 2 years later, I started playing the piano for the main services at church. I left AMKMC in 2000…
WSCS Sunday (14 May 2023)
WSCS Sunday is observed to honour God’s faithfulness and mighty works in the various ministries of the Women’s Society of Christian Service – Witness & Evangelism, Discipleship & Nurture, Outreach & Social Concerns and Missions. Blessed by His grace and love, the WSCS women seek to serve others by touching lives and reaching out to those around them. We seek your generous donation for our list of beneficiaries. The 15% retained by AMKMC WSCS will benefit MWS Girls’ Residence, whilst…
Aldersgate 2023: Love God By Loving Our Religious Neighbour
This year’s Aldersgate sermon will reflect on the story of two religious persons in Acts 10 who experienced God in a deeper way. As we remember John Wesley’s heart-warming experience on Aldersgate Day, may our own hearts be warmed to obey God’s command to love him by being kind and loving our neighbours who may well be religious. Celebration Service Bishop Dr Gordon Wong will be sharing what it means to Love God by Loving Our Religious Neighbour during the Aldersgate…
MWTM Week 6: Bare Fruit or Bear Fruit?
By Cheryl Mah Jesus is a shining example of what it means to live out the Gospel truth. During his time on earth, He chose to communicate the Gospel by example instead of merely sharing it verbally, and His method has been proven to be effective. Christ was bold and confident when sharing the Gospel, yet He adjusted the way He shared to the different people He spoke to and He paid attention to their needs. 1. Stand Firm Although…
D&N Course Registration 2023
Deepen your roots by becoming disciples through the Discipleship and Nurture (D & N) Ministry course. Registrations for course are open now! Courses offered: DISCIPLE 1 – 34 weeks Course Starting Date: 13 Apr 2023, 7:30pm We will try our best to form a class based on the number of signups. Please note that a class may not be able to run if there are insufficient participants. Do check out the D & N booklet below on the full range of courses…
MWTM Week 5: The People are the Mission, Not the Impediment
By Cheryl Mah In Numbers 13, when the Israelites were freed from slavery in Egypt, God commanded a leader from each tribe to explore the land of Canaan. Upon their return, they reported to the community that the land was flowing with milk and honey, however the people living there were very strong. When Caleb insisted that they could take possession of the land, the men who had gone up with him were so intimidated by the ‘strong people’ that…
MWTM Week 4: Mission Not Impossible
By Cheryl Mah We live in a world filled with plenty of needy people looking for answers, and Jesus is the answer to everything mankind needs. He offers love, joy, peace, rest, protection, guidance, wisdom, mercy, forgiveness and most of all, everlasting life (which is to know God; John 17:3). However, these lost sheep will never know who the Good Shepherd is unless someone tells them about Him. Thus, those of us who have received salvation each have a duty…
MWTM Week 3: In Union with Christ
By Cheryl Mah The essence of being a Christian is to worship God. As Jesus explains, “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” (John 4:24). This means we must not only be sincere in worshipping Him, but that our worship must be rooted in Scriptural revelation, for all Scriptures is God-breathed (2 Timothy 3:16). To truly say we are one with Christ we must take steps to cultivate that relationship. 1. Purging sin…