Announcements (Page 13)
Boys Brigade WEEK
Since 1982, the Boys Brigade, 31st Singapore Company (sponsored by our church) continues to operate in Bowen Secondary School, with the purpose of reaching and ministering to those Boys whom God has entrusted to us. We thank God for His faithfulness and provision which has sustained this ministry for the past years. BBHQ has prepared a series of videos sharing the testimonials of Boys and Officers in the BB. Every week, BBHQ has uploaded a new video and sent out an e-bulletin which…
IMPACT Magazine
Support IMPACT We trust that you are keeping well. We would like you to subscribe and support IMPACT magazine. In our latest issue, we explore the theme ‘Doing things differently’. Ironically, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many of us have changed the way we do church, how we work and how we have adapted to a new routine of life. Among the many topics we have touched on, holidaying is one that is close to our hearts. When will…
Methodist Message
Methodist Message continues to bring to you important MCS updates and thought-provoking editorial pieces. The August issue is now out! If you would like to subscribe to MM online, it is free AND easy to get onboard! Sign up here at today!
Love In Action
‘Love one another as we are loved by God; that is our continuing debt to Christ (Romans 13:8)’ Let us be outward looking as we reach out in love, to the people around us as we are loved by God. With different outreach activities, let us forward the blessings as our inward call, and aim to complete at least two rows of the BINGO game in the month of August. Please click the appropriate link. Download today and join us…
Serve God Serve One Another
As part of the Serve God Serve One Another Initiative, fill in this e-form if you would like to (1) appreciate someone who is serving in any of the ministries, and/or (2) indicate your interest in serving in any of the church ministries. The e-form is closed on 8 Aug 2020.
Children Ministry: Family and Life Month Activity
Dear Parents of Ang Mo Kio Family, A South African Anglican pastor and theologian once said, “You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.” This month, AMKMC is celebrating Family and Life month. We in the Children’s Ministry strongly believe that a united family unit plays a vital role in the development and upbringing of children. Hence, we would like to partner you in discipling and loving your child(ren) in the ways…
Women’s Society of Christian Service (WSCS)
WSCS would like to thank all church members and friends for their generosity towards WSCS Sunday collection on 10 May. $2,906 was received. 85% i.e. $2,470.10 goes to TRAC WSCS local beneficiaries and 15% rounded up to the nearest $500 (approved by local WSCS ExCo) is going to MWS Girls Residences.
Build One Another Up
Our lives are made of stories and the Bible encourages us to share our testimonies of what God has been doing and have done in our lives. The church would like to hear these exciting and Spirit-filled testimonies, especially so during the past few months. If you have any stories or testimonies, please share them by going to this link: