Announcements (Page 14)

Announcements (Page 14)

WSCS E-Devotions Booklet

We are pleased to present the e-devotions booklet, titled “Our Strength Every Morning” for the month of May to celebrate WSCS Sunday. You can access it through this link or scan the QR code.  This devotion booklet is written by WSCS ladies who had attended a two half-day Devotions Writing workshop with Rev Dr Gordon Wong.  May you find nuggets of God’s wisdom as these ladies shared insights from Isaiah 33.    

Home With a Heart

For the COVID-19 situation, the government has introduced measures to reduce the risk of community spread of the virus within Singapore. This includes Leave of Absence, Stay-Home Notice and Home Quarantine Order(LOA/SHN/HQO), where individuals will have to remain in their place of residence at all times during the 14-day period. We understand that our Church members may be affected by these said measures, and we want to provide you with the necessary support. If you or you know of any…