Corporate Info

Corporate Info

Maundy Thursday Combined Choir

For Maundy Thursday Service on 17 Apr, CAC is inviting brothers- and sisters-in-Christ from TRAC and ETAC to join their combined choir to present a choral introit and a song item during the service. Rehearsals will be on 21, 28 Mar, 4, 11 Apr. If you are able to sing and have experience singing in a choir, we invite you to join the Maundy Thursday Combined Choir. Please contact PTM Alphonsus Ang ( if you are interested to serve in…

MFC Advent Services 2022

The Methodist Festival Choir (MFC) will be presenting live at two Advent services this year. All are invited to come join. Advent Service (1):       “Watch, Wait, Prepare” Speaker:                               Dr. Edward Pousson Venue:                                  Pentecost Methodist Church Date:                         …

AMKMC 44th Anniversary Celebration

44th Church Anniversary celebration We’ll be celebrating our 44th Church Anniversary on 2nd October 2022 with the theme “God Cares”. Building upon God’s call for us to be Kingdom people, the theme reminds us that God cares and we are to partner Him in caring for the community. This theme is inspired by reflections from the prayer walk held on 13 Mar 2022 during which God opened our eyes to see that He cares for the following groups of people…