Our vision is the advancement of Christ’s Kingdom among members of the Boys’ Brigade 31st Singapore Company.
Mission: To promote the habits of Obedience, Reverence, Discipline, Self-respect, and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness through a volunteer-led character-building badgework programme.
The Boys’ Brigade (BB) is a Christian organisation that operates Uniformed Group CCA programmes in schools across Singapore. As the sponsoring church of the BB 31st Company (based in Bowen Secondary School), AMKMC not only lends administrative and financial support, but also provides leadership to the Company. Our Pastors and laity, who serve as its Chaplains and volunteer Officers respectively, spend their Saturday mornings imparting Christian values through engaging Bible lessons to our members who come from all walks of life. Check out our Instagram page at @bb31st.
Pre-requisites for volunteer Officership:
- 18 years old and above
- Attending AMKMC worship services and cell group regularly
- A heart for journeying with young men towards Christ
- Experience in youth work/uniformed groups is advantageous
- Time commitment required: Every Saturday morning (except during school holidays)
Interested to serve with us? Contact us at bb31stcaptain@gmail.com!