AMKMC became a cell church in the mid 1990s. Our desire is to see every church member be involved in the Cell Ministry. Our cells exists for worship, prayer and sharing, fellowship, Bible study, evangelism / reaching out, pastoral care & discipleship.
Every year, our cell groups would all participate in a Church-wide Cell Word series (tied-in to pulpit preaching). All cells have access to a list of resources and Bible study materials for use in cell meetings.
New visitors to our church are encouraged to join our cells.
Cell members can serve in church together by occasionally volunteering for Sunday ministries such as ushering, providing & serving refreshments. Some cells are involved in ministries (e.g. audio-visual and ushering) on a permanent or long-term basis. Others help out in organising and running church-wide events such as anniversary celebrations and church camps.
We actively encourage all cells to go on short-term mission trips; or volunteer for outreach and social concerns activities. With more cells coming forward to take up challenges, the work of the Kingdom of God will go on to greater heights for His Glory!
Today we have a total of 9 Adult Zones and 2 Zones for Young people. We also have special cells that caters to the Filipino, Indonesian and Myanmar communities.
If you would like to join a cell group, please fill up the Contact form.