Family Life Ministry seeks to nurture authentic, loving and
Christ-centered families, who will grow together as one united community in God
Through seminars and workshops, FLM aims to:
- Enrich and equip families with biblical principles for relationships with our spouse, children, parents, grandparents and relatives.
- Assist with practical tools that will help grow each home to be a “home with a heart”.
FLM serves to create opportunities for families to gather and grow through organised activities and events. FLM works collaboratively with various Ministries, e.g. Men’s Fellowship, WSCS, Seniors, and seeks to strengthen the family at every life-stage including Marriages, Parenting (Children, Youth), and Singles.
Covering the ‘whole of life’, FLM seeks to provide avenues and opportunities to individuals and families at every life stage, to learn and share more on biblical principles about relationships, marriages, parenting and life-skills. This can also include some bonding and common interest events like art and craft workshops, ukulele, badminton and walks. At this stage, the ministry’s events are usually organised through webcasts. Step forward to serve with us today! There are no pre-requisites. In terms of time commitment, we are looking for members willing to be part of the committee to come together and pray and plan for the year ahead. If there are time constraints, any help to run a single event/webcast would be helpful too.