News (Page 19)

News (Page 19)

Read on for some of our latest news and updates. You may also visit our Events page for highlights of our upcoming programmes and activities.


FY20/21 FY21/22 Total Pledges Received $ 2,136,866  $ 1,982,650  Number of Persons Pledging 549 502     Pledging is planned giving. It is part of the accepted responsibility of a committed member. We thank those who have pledged towards the Church. For those who have not yet pledged and wish to do so, please post your Pledge Form to church office or send it via email to

IMPACT Magazine

This is a bi-monthly magazine providing an Asian perspective to Christian issues. Its latest issue (Aug -Sep 2021) is now available at $24 for a 1-year subscription (6 issues) or $44 for a 2-year subscription. (Available in paper copy, digital copy, or both). To subscribe or bless a third-world pastor with a subscription, please visit

Week 1: A Personal Invitation To Christ

By Cheryl Mah ”Home” is an enjoyable, happy place where a person can live, laugh, and learn. It is somewhere where one feels loved, respected, and cared for. “Home” also provides security, control, belonging, identity, and privacy – among other things. Most of all, it is a place that provides us with a centring. Receiving others, or ‘hospitality’, is a Christian value (Matthew 25:35-40). The act of being hospitable is welcoming people into our lives, meeting their needs, and reaching out even…

Women’s Society of Christian Service (WSCS)

AMKMC WSCS would like to thank the generous giving of all Church and WSCS members for the 2nd offering designated for WSCS Sunday on 9 May 2021. A total of S$5,128 was collected. S$4,358.80(85%) has been remitted to TRAC WSCS. The remaining S$769.20 (15%) rounded up to S$1,000has been approved by the Local WSCS Executive on   10 July 2021 to be given to Safe Place,Singapore. May God’s kingdom continue to expand through our giving. All praise and glory to God.

Where God Leads, We Follow

Testimony By LYNNETTE LIM My husband Patrick and I have been visiting Ang Mo Kio Methodist Church (AMKMC) since 2013. After leaving our previous mega church, we went about trying out a few other churches. Never did I believe that God would lead us to a cosy family-like church. AMKMC was one of the churches that appeared when I was doing a Google search for churches near my home. AMKMC is a few bus steps away and so is AMK…

God Is My Healer

Testimony By Esmanda Wong In early February, I went for an ultrasound scan, which revealed that I had a cyst in my right ovary that was  4cm large in diameter. I was quite alarmed and distressed as it was a large growth in my body that I was unaware of. The doctor said to monitor the growth of the cyst in four months, before assessing whether a surgery would be needed to remove it. I also had to take a blood test…

Pledging for Financial Year 2021/22

Beloved Brothers and Sisters-in-Christ, As our Church approaches the close of the financial year ending 31 July 2021, we praise God for His grace over the past year and His provisions for our Church especially in this time of the COVID-19 pandemic. We thank God and you for your dedicated, faithful and generous service and giving all these years for our Church.  We prayerfully seek the Lord’s blessing and your continued support for our Church’s coming financial year (1 August…

IMPACT Magazine

This is a bi-monthly magazine providing an Asian perspective to Christian issues. Its latest issue (June -July 2021) features articles on the various aspects of fear. The magazine is available at $24 for a 1-year subscription (6 issues) or $44 for a 2-year subscription. (Available in paper copy, digital copy, or both). To subscribe or bless a third-world pastor with a subscription, please visit