Read on for some of our latest news and updates. You may also visit our Events page for highlights of our upcoming programmes and activities.
Serve God Serve One Another
As part of the Serve God Serve One Another Initiative, fill in this e-form if you would like to (1) appreciate someone who is serving in any of the ministries, and/or (2) indicate your interest in serving in any of the church ministries. The e-form is closed on 8 Aug 2020.
Children Ministry: Family and Life Month Activity
Dear Parents of Ang Mo Kio Family, A South African Anglican pastor and theologian once said, “You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.” This month, AMKMC is celebrating Family and Life month. We in the Children’s Ministry strongly believe that a united family unit plays a vital role in the development and upbringing of children. Hence, we would like to partner you in discipling and loving your child(ren) in the ways…
Women’s Society of Christian Service (WSCS)
WSCS would like to thank all church members and friends for their generosity towards WSCS Sunday collection on 10 May. $2,906 was received. 85% i.e. $2,470.10 goes to TRAC WSCS local beneficiaries and 15% rounded up to the nearest $500 (approved by local WSCS ExCo) is going to MWS Girls Residences.
Build One Another Up
Our lives are made of stories and the Bible encourages us to share our testimonies of what God has been doing and have done in our lives. The church would like to hear these exciting and Spirit-filled testimonies, especially so during the past few months. If you have any stories or testimonies, please share them by going to this link:
Bible Matters
TRAC have now put up the 10th article in the series on Bible Matters through TRAC website. Here are some of the Bible Matters that will be covered in the weeks ahead. Visit the TRAC website to read more. Bible Matters: Does the Bible tell us the age of the earth? (Mr Daniel Lee) Should we distrust a Bible which commands genocide? (Mr Gilbert Lok) Can we trust that the Bible is reliable? (Rev Joel Yong) Can we take Proverbs as Promises?…
We would like to thank all of you who have supported the sale of GC WSCS “Simply Good” Healthy Family Meals recipe books. Thank God that all the allocated books have been sold! Hence, the online order registration is now closed. The full sales proceeds will go to MCS 135 Fund to bless the 1,000 families in need. Thank you all for being part of this meaningful programme.
Children’s Ministry Volunteers
Children – Precious Gifts From The Lord! SEEKING: Adult volunteers (21 years and above) who want to be a part of Kingdom work! You can make an eternal impact on the future of the Church and Church leaders of the future by investing now in precious young lives. Come explore ministry to children! You will have opportunity to speak with leaders and teachers who have been serving in this Ministry – Hear how this has impacted them and helped spur…
Pledging for Financial Year 2020/21
Pledge Update FY19/20 FY20/21 Total Pledges Received $2,271,874 $2,043,286 Number of Persons Pledging 643 522 Pledging is planned giving. It is part of the accepted responsibility of a committed member. We thank those who have pledged towards the Church.For those who have not yet pledged and wish to do so, please use our online pledge form to post your Pledge! Submit your Pledge Beloved Brothers and Sisters-in-Christ, As our Church approaches the close of the financial year ending 31 July…