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News (Page 26)

Read on for some of our latest news and updates. You may also visit our Events page for highlights of our upcoming programmes and activities.

What is of True Worth

Rev Anthony Lee 1 Samuel 2:12 records one of the most fascinating verses ever. It reads, “Now the sons of Eli were worthless men. They did not know the Lord” (ESV). This verse is fascinating because in just two short sentences, God has completely revolutionized my understanding of how one’s worth is defined. The world sees those who are rich, famous, powerful, or well-educated to be people of worth. In God’s eyes, however, only those who know God are people…

Incomparable Integrity – 10 Apr 2020

A HOLY WEEK JOURNEY IN ADVERSITY TOWARDS RESILIENCE HOLY WEEK READING-REFLECTION PLAN 10th April 2020, Good Friday: Mark 15:1-41, Luke 23:13—49    Incomparable Integrity What is so good about Good Friday? Nothing could be so horrendous than to hear Jesus’ cry of dereliction. Only Matthew and Mark recorded it in their Gospels. You need to hear it afresh. I need to hear it afresh; “My God, my God, why have You forsaken Me?” This cry is one of seven phrases…

The Last Supper – 9 Apr 2020

A HOLY WEEK JOURNEY IN ADVERSITY TOWARDS RESILIENCE HOLY WEEK READING-REFLECTION PLAN 9th April 2020, Maundy Thursday: Luke 22:19-20    The Last Supper As I think of the last supper which Jesus ate with His disciples, I can’t help but remember Leonardo Da Vinci’s picture portrayal of the Last Supper – The iconic long table covered in tapestry with images of the disciples together with Jesus seated along the length of the table. In my younger days, there was a…

Prayer Of Relinquishment – 8 Apr 2020

A HOLY WEEK JOURNEY IN ADVERSITY TOWARDS RESILIENCE HOLY WEEK READING-REFLECTION PLAN 8th April 2020, Wednesday: Luke 22:39-46    Prayer Of Relinquishment In the school of Gethsemane, we learn the Prayer of Relinquishment. In the starkness of the scene, gaze in wonder at the solitary figure etched against the gnarled olive trees. The bloodlike sweat falling onto the ground. The human longing: “Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me”. The final relinquishment; “Not My will, but Yours…

O How He Loves You And Me – 7 Apr 2020

A HOLY WEEK JOURNEY IN ADVERSITY TOWARDS RESILIENCE HOLY WEEK READING-REFLECTION PLAN 7th April 2020, Tuesday: John 17:22-26    O How He Loves You And Me Begin by prayerfully reading the whole of John 17. As Jesus concludes His prayer, perhaps these last few verses before His ordeal reveal what’s foremost on His heart? First, implicit throughout Jesus’ prayers is His deference to the Father, and this spirit of honour is evident as He closes His prayer. All things have…

Prayer Of Tears – 6 Apr 2020

A HOLY WEEK JOURNEY IN ADVERSITY TOWARDS RESILIENCE HOLY WEEK READING-REFLECTION PLAN 6th April 2020, Monday: Luke 19:37-44    Prayer Of Tears Luke gives a broader perspective on Jesus as He was approaching Jerusalem – already coming down the Mount of Olives. The multitudes of disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice. The sound must have been thunderous with appreciation. But when Jesus drew near and saw the city, He wept. Have you seen a grown…

Hosanna To A Different Tune – 5 Apr 2020

A HOLY WEEK JOURNEY IN ADVERSITY TOWARDS RESILIENCE HOLY WEEK READING-REFLECTION PLAN 5th April 2020, Palm Sunday: Matthew 21    Hosanna To A Different Tune Palm Sunday sets the tone for us entering into the week as a journey, participating as if you are one of those first disciples. You join the procession as you see Jesus enter Jerusalem on a donkey. Crowds flocked to see Jesus riding what was actually a young colt that had never been ridden before.…

Love your Neighbour

Rev Anthony Lee All of us know the great commandments: love God and love your neighbour as yourself. I suppose there is no better time than this Covid-19 season to express our love for our neighbours by staying away from people (whether at work, in school, at church, or even for a simple meal) when we feel unwell, even remotely unwell. Note what the commandment says, “Love your neighbour as yourself.” Would you want to catch Covid-19 from someone else? Clearly,…