Path to Memorising Philippians

Path to Memorising Philippians

Testimony by Yap Fong Lin

In the last few years I have been convinced from time to time that I should start memorising bible verses by the book (not just by verses). But every time I will “chicken out” because it really feels like a daunting task.

At the beginning of 2024, this issue came up again and this time round somehow the prompting is strong. I decided to then search online if anyone has done it and how do they do it successfully. I came across the Davis Approach by Dr. Andrew M. Davis. The approach is systematic and seems doable. Davis also encouraged us to think of a book we feel attracted to start with, and then to pray and ask God to confirm it.

As I pondered about which short book to start with, Philippians came to my mind. So finally, one Saturday, I decided to boldly tell God that I would like to memorise the book of Philippians and ask Him to confirm for me.

Guess what? The next day during Sunday service, it was announced during the family news that AMKMC is starting a series of sermons on the book of Philippians. When I heard it, it is a “confirm and chop” from God! It is also a sign to me that AMKMC is really aligned to God’s guidance!

I have started memorising one verse a day since then, and I just completed memorising the last verse of the book. As I memorise the verses, I am challenged by God’s word and blessed by the sermon teaching by our pastors and preachers. I am encouraged that “he who began a good work in me will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus”.

I told God honestly that “I want to know Christ, yes, to know the power of his resurrection”, but I fear the “participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death”. And God encouraged me “to press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

I have 100 days more to go to memorise the entire book daily, so that the entire book will be stored permanently in my mind. I know God will help me to complete it.

All glory and praise to our God and Father!