Maundy Thursday
Combined CAC, ETAC, TRAC at Sanctuary 1 8pm service with Holy Communion
Our church will be celebrating our 45th Anniversary this year. As part of the anniversary celebration, as well as being on Mission with the Master, we will be having 3 main events. To kick off the first main event of our anniversary celebration, all are invited to join us as we go out to bless the community in AMK through bread distribution. It is also an opportunity to reach out and invite the community to join us for our Easter…
Newcomers’ Welcome Lunch
Welcome to Ang Mo Kio Methodist Church! If you have been attending or visiting our church for less than 6 months, whether you are attending our Online or Onsite services, we invite you to our Newcomers’ Welcome Lunch. The aim of the lunch is to provide a platform for the church to welcome any new members/visitors who have joined/visited our Church recently or would like to find out more about our church. Date: Sun, 19 March 2023 Time: 11.30am (after…
Church Office Closure (13 to 16 Feb)
The Pastors and Staff of AMKMC (TRAC) will be away for their annual staff retreat from 13 – 16 Feb 2023 (Mon – Thu). Church office will be closed. For urgent pastoral matters, please contact the AMKMC pastors on their mobile phones. Rev Collin See will be the standby pastor for bereavement needs.
29 Jan Healing Service
Please invite your loved ones and friends who need prayers and healing (spiritual, physical, emotional, etc) to this Healing Service. Ministry Team will be present to pray and minister. All are welcome. Date: Sunday, 29 Jan 2023 Time: 8am, 10am and 5pm onsite services Speaker: Rev Emanuel Goh Come, and be blessed.
Worship Services (Lunar New Year – Day 1)
Onsite Service Timings: 8am and 10am only Livestreaming at 10am (click here) There will be no 5pm service, HUB service or Children’s Ministry on that day. Additionally, please note that the Church office will be closed on 21 Jan (Sat). Do be reminded to refrain from parking along Ang Mo Kio Street 21. If there are no more available parking lots in the church carpark, you may park your vehicle in the multi-storey carpark at Block 260 Ang Mo Kio…
New Year’s Day Service
New Year’s Day 2023 Let’s come together to celebrate the New Year by giving thanks and praise to our Lord. Onsite service: 10am only (no 8am or 5pm service) Livestream: 10am (click here) Please note that there will not be Children’s Ministry and Holy Communion (moved to 8 Jan 2023).
Christmas Day Service
Christmas @ AMKMC 2022Christmas Day Service Every year, Christians from all around the world come together to remember the birth of Christ and to celebrate that God fulfilled His promise to send a Messiah. Though the world may be filled with darkness, our hearts are always filled with hope because the Light of the World and the Hope of Nations lives in us and amongst us. We invite you this Christmas morning to come and worship with us and celebrate…