Children’s Ministry: Holy Week Programme 2022
Dear Parents, please note the following programmes for Holy Week. Registration is required. GOOD FRIDAY (15 APRIL 2022) AMazing Kids (1.5 to 4.5 years): Sessions will be at 8am and 10am as usual. Registration for the Good Friday session is required at: AMKids (4.5 to 10 years): The Treasure Box team will conduct the Good Friday programme. Mr and Mrs Elvin Foong are the founders for The Treasure Box. The Treasure Box is a well sought-after Children’s Ministry team…
Easter Sunday Onsite Service
EASTER SUNDAY ONSITE SERVICE We encourage you to join us for the onsite Holy Week services and to invite your family and friends who have yet to know God to the services. No registration is required and there is free seating for onsite services, so just come and worship the Lord! Easter Sunday (17 April 2022) – 6am Easter Sunrise service – 8am and 10am services – Livestreaming at 10am Please take note of the following: Registration is no longer…
Good Friday Onsite Service
Good Friday Onsite Service We encourage you to join us for the onsite Holy Week services and to invite your family and friends who have yet to know God to the services. No registration is required and there is free seating for onsite services, so just come and worship the Lord! Good Friday (15 April 2022) – 8am and 10am services – Livestreaming at 10am Please take note of the following information Registration is no longer required for onsite worship…
Maundy Thursday Onsite Service
We encourage you to join us for the onsite Holy Week services and to invite your family and friends who have yet to know God to the services. No registration is required and there is free seating for onsite services, so just come and worship the Lord! Maundy Thursday (14 Apr 2022) Time: 8pm service with Holy Communion Venue: Level 3, Sanctuary 2 Please take note of the following: Registration is no longer required for onsite worship services Worship services…
Watchnight Service
Christmas @ AMKMC 2021Watchnight Service As we look forward to the new year, let us take time to reflect on the year that has passed and to recommit ourselves to the Lord. Date: 31 December 2021Time: 10.30pmOnsite Service at 10.30pm: Please register belowLivestream at 10.30pm: for 21 Dec: Click here to view/download We ask that you set aside time that evening to come and be still before the Lord. Let us allow God to speak to us about the year that…
Christmas Day Service
Christmas @ AMKMC 2021Christmas Day Service Every year, Christians from all around the world come together to remember the birth of Christ and to celebrate that God fulfilled His promise to send a messiah. Though the world may be filled with darkness, our hearts are always filled with hope because the Light of the World and the Hope of Nations lives in us and amongst us. We invite you this Christmas morning to come and worship with us and celebrate…
TRAC WSCS CHRISTMAS OUTREACH Theme: Power of a Merry Heart Date: 11 December 2021 (Sat) Time: 2.30pm to 4pm via Zoom Join us for a time of Christmas celebration and hope with Rev Wendy Tay, as she shares on “A merry heart does good, like medicine.” Do invite your pre-believing friends! Please register for the Zoom meeting at Closing Date – 4 Dec 2021
Children’s Day Celebration
27 Sep 2021 update: Due to the recently announced COVID-19 measures by the government, the Children’s Day celebration will be postponed from 10 Oct 2021 to 7 Nov 2021. Parents who have previously signed up will be informed through email. The following are the details for the programme: 1-2-3 Ministry (for children aged 1 to 3 years old) A craft package will be mailed to the children. Please fill up the Registration Form so that we can send you the craft…