'God’s Love' Tagged Posts
How Can We Evangelise During a Pandemic?
By Cheryl Mah Throughout history, there have been many missionaries who have taken up the colossal assignment of going out into the world to spread the Word of God. Paul the Apostle was one great example. (To evangelise means to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with someone else) However, most of us would consider The Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20; Acts 1:8) a somewhat impossible and unachievable task. If quitting our day jobs or leaving our loved ones behind while globetrotting to evangelise…
How Much Does God Love Us?
By Cheryl Mah As a mother of two, I always tell my children that I love them very much. When my almost five-year-old daughter tells me she loves me back, I’ll often ask her “How much?” “Very, very (x10) much”, she’ll reply. It certainly feels wonderful to be loved so much by this little being, but somehow, I get the sense that our human ability to love is limited and finite (even though we want to think it can be…